GAC Ark Telleri

BioForce - Square or Rectangluar
Optimally biological forces begin at approximately 80 grams of force at the anteriors, and gradually increase to approximately 300 grams of force in the molars. Also available with IONGUARD.
Optimal Tooth Movement and Ideal Biological Forces
As this chart shows, the optimal force needed to move anteriors is not the same as the optimal force needed to move molars. If a force is designed to move anteriors, it is too light to move molars. If a force is great enough to move molars, the force is too strong - traumatically strong - for anteriors. Other wires offer one force at a time, requiring at least two or three wire changes to achieve the desired movement. BioForce exhibits low forces at the anterior, gradually increases force in the bicuspids, and again in the molars. Each tooth receives the optimal biological force necessary to move specific teeth in one wire.

Anterior Region of arch form has the lowest heat-activated force, as anterior teeth have the lightest roots.
The Bicuspid Region of the arch maintains a slightly greater heat-activated force to move larger rooted bicuspids.
The Posterior Region of the arch form has the greatest heat-activated force within the archwire for moving thestrong-rooted molars.

BioForce also shares the properties of all Sentalloy wires and is designed to deliver a gentle, light continuous force to mitigate periodontal stress.
Body Heat Activation
At room temperature, Sentalloy wires are soft, pliable, and easy to engage. Once warmed to body temperature the wire gently and predictably guides the teeth to the present arch form.
Even when severely malposed, Sentalloy continues to exert its gentle, near constant forces as the tooth moves.
Shape Memory Effect
Sentalloy will take displacements up to 90 degrees without deforming. Its overwhelming desire to return to its original shape actually promotes tooth movement with fewer 0wire changes and fewer patient visits.
IONGUARD - IONGUARD is not a coating; it is a fundamental change in the wire’s surface. Without changing the wire’s dimensions, or altering any of the wire’s unique superelastic properties, the process produces sliding mechanics comparable to stainless steel, while sealing the occlusal surface to reduce nickel leaching and breakage.
Ark Telleri
G&H Ark Telleri
GAC Ark Telleri
Nickel Titanium
Beta Titanium
Stainless Steel
Specialty Wires - All the Metal that Matters
Elastik Aksesuarlar
Tel Aksesuarlar
El Aletleri
Ortodontik mini vidalar
Class II Corrector
Indirect Bonding
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