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678-210 Seperating Pliers
FORCE MODULE SEPARATING PLIERS Used for placement of elastic separators. BRASS SEPARATING WIRE
Brass Separating Wire is high quality corrosion resistant 60/40 brass for posterior separation prior to band placement. NITI SEP SPRINGS
NiTi Separating (Neet) Springs offer efficient force for separating contact points prior to banding. Simple engagement and self activating. .018" Wire Diameter. Stop Wound Open Coil Spring
Sentalloy Stop Wound Open Coil Springs are packaged individually or in three 7” lengths to a tube. Each length is quadruple wound every 4mm. After determining the length of coil needed, simply cut the wire at the center of the tight spiral as indicated below: The quadruple wind can be cut by having one person stretch the wind while another person makes the cut; or by using a separating plier to stretch the wind and a hard wire cutter to make the cut. Sentalloy Stop Wound Open Coils with a standard lumen of .035” are available in forces of 50, 100, 150 and 200 grams. (.045” compatible coils are available in 150 grams of force only.)